Wednesday, 7 October 2015

A One Week #OneHourBasket

There is a pattern that is floating around for a One Hour Basket. It is free to download on Craftsy and it pops up in all my social media feeds (particularly Instagram). I knew I would make one some day, and when I needed to think of a simple gift I could make for a co-worker's birthday, this pattern came to mind.

My co-worker is new to my team and I don't know her all that well. She identified that she likes orange and being playful, and my fabric selections definitely meet that description!

The basket ended up taking a week from when I pulled the fabric to when I finished it, though in reality I was much closer to the 45 or 50 minute mark of actual work. You know, life.
Using Wonderclips to hold the handles and to line up the seams of the lining and the exterior was very helpful.
I wanted to share something that I do when I'm constructing something that requires me to leave an opening. This pattern calls for not sewing a 3" section when attaching the lining to the exterior. When I pin around the bag, I mark the spot I'm not going to sew with double pins. That way, when I make my way around the basket and I get to double pins again I know when to stop.
Double pins are my way of marking stopping and starting points.
And here is the finished product! The handles in this picture look like they're different sizes but they are not. The overall result is super cute, for sure. And I instantly wanted to make another one.
Ann Kelle Robots and Kona Flame. Playful and orange it is!
My next One Hour Basket will for sure involve a pieced exterior with some quilting, and I would add more fusible batting for a stiffer overall basket.

This one is a winner for sure!