Thursday, 2 January 2020

2019 Year End Recap

I made 11 quilts (not counting mini ones). (UPDATE: Actually, 12, see #10 below).
I made at least four sew together bags.
I made bunny bags for all my nieces and nephews at Easter (well, the little ones at least).

Of the list I made for myself, my goals for 2019, I:
1) Finished my summer sampler, Neutral Summer.
2) Finished my Polaroid Quilt, Photo Finish.
3) Finished my strip quilt, Thank You Rose.
4) Finished the quilt my daughter made when she was 7 and donated it.
5) Made a Stack Quilt.
6) Made a Banner Year Quilt.
7) Made a Meadowland Quilt for my best friend for her wedding.
8) Made 65 fabric pots for that same friend for her wedding.
9) Made a basic Lizzy House patchwork quilt, Joy.
10) Used up the leftover red and white HSTs I had to make a quilt, which I donated. Which also means I made TWELVE quilts, not 11. 
11) Used up turquoise and grey HSTs to make a doll quilt for my daughter (as seen in the collage above).
12) Made every doctor for my Doctor Who quilt ON TIME.
13) I did NOT complete my book cover quilt because once I made a bunch more and laid it out I decided I needed way more blocks. This is a WIP.
14) I made all the blocks for the West End Modern Quilt Guild BOM then turned them into two quilts tops that need to be quilted. Still, I made all the blocks so I count this as a goal achieved.
15) Made a sew together bag for my mom.
16) Repaired all the quilts my dog chewed.

So out of 16 goals I managed to complete 15!!!! Pretty damn good, I think!

Here's to smashing 2020's goals too! (I will write a post for those sooner or later!)