Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Bluebird's Song Quilt Blocks

I started Bluebird's Song on Saturday and wanted to show you the results of one set of blocks. I took the idea from a tutorial from Missouri Star Quilt Company. It involves 2 1/2" strips (in the tutorial they use a jelly roll) but I had fat quarters, so I did it with those instead.

First you cut 2 1/2" strips, then sew 5 of them together (the 5 was my decision, they could have been bigger or smaller). I trimmed my blocks to 10.5" as you can see here:

You then place them right sides together with each set of strips turned a different direction. I took a picture with an overlap here so you can see what I mean (note that the bottom strips go left to right and the top strips go top to bottom).

You sew 1/4" seam around all four edges and then slice the block diagonally in each corner:

This is the result:

After you press them open you get blocks that look like this:

These blocks will form the centre of my Bluebird's Song quilt. I am excited to see more of it come together!

Lynn (aka Buttons)

1 comment:

  1. So glad I found your site via sew many ways! I've had fun poking around (and getting motivated to start another quilt)! They are ALL beautiful!
