Sunday 17 March 2013

Holy Babies, Batman!

When I made my list of projects I wanted to complete in 2013 I made a few mistakes. One was including three different quilts that were for myself. Hah! Who has time to sew for themselves? Particularly when it is BABY BONANZA around here! I had mentioned that I expected some friends would be making baby announcements and boy was I right!

So here is the revised 2013 list (when will I have enough time???):

(New items are in red)
  • Superhero Flannelette quilt (I already have the kit!) for my friend's son, B
  • A quilt for my grandma for her 89th birthday (she was super jealous of my mom's Christmas quilt!)
  • Landscape Architexture Butterfly String quilt for my dad for his birthday
  • A zipper quilt using Reunion for my father-in-law's 60th birthday in August
  • A red and white quilt for my father-in-law's mother-in-law (trust me it makes sense if you knew the huge nature of my family) for Christmas
  • A quilt for my daughter's junior kindergarten teacher for the end of the school year
  • A wedding quilt, Comma Sutra, for two friends getting married this spring
New babies announced:
  • Neighbours J & J are having a little boy (their fourth) due in April
  • Life-long friends C & P (I was in their wedding in September) are due August
  • Friends of 15 years J & R are having a boy in July
  • Friends through my daughter, V & S are having a boy in July
And here is the kicker:
  • Friends of 15 years (part of the same group as J&R above) are having TRIPLETS due in September. TRIPLETS, people! Now I have to decide if I do three totally different quilts or three quilts that are different but tied together by fabric or colour or something. Plus, I wonder the boy/girl combination?
This stack will be for Baby J&R (Camp Sur, some Lotta and some orange Pearl Bracelet)

Other 2013 Quilts/Projects To Make
  • Box pouch with zipper (scary!)
  • HST quilt in all Kona solids I have the fabric all picked out but since I want to keep this one it will have to wait
  • Paper piecing (I wonder if I can find a class near me?) 
  • A Plus quilt I have decided to make the baby quilt for friends J&R a Plus quilt
  • At least one quilt from Sunday Morning QuiltsThe one I picked out was for me and will take ages. Maybe next year? and one from Quilting Modern I may make a baby quilt for C&P from this book.
  • Squares and Strips quilt in orange and turquoise using the tutorial from Cluck Cluck Sew Nope. This one is for me. I'm out of luck. The bundle will have to sit a little longer.
  • Tumbler quilt I am going to make our neighbour's baby quilt a Tumbler quilt.
  • Something with my Lotta fabric I've put some Lotta into the baby quilt for J&R so that will have to do.
Being the age I am EVERYONE is having babies. Oh dear. No time to blog. Must get quilting!!

Lynn (aka Buttons)

P.S. Finally getting around to binding my red/green/pink/blue quilt for Baby M. Decided to go with scrappy binding. What do you think?


  1. You will be busy, busy, busy. I see some UFO's in your future - or a phd (project half done). I think we should have some sewing days, with our other quilty friend - where we can just sit and sew all day. Maybe you should go to one of Elain's "pampered sit and sew" days. Good luck!

  2. For the triplets, I think it would be cool if they were different, but obviously related to each other because they are always going to be going through the same age and stuff.
