Saturday 14 February 2015

Do you LOVE Kona?

After complaining about the Kona solids bundles that Jenn at A Quarter Inch from the Edge and I were receiving, we decided to challenge you to curate your own Kona solids bundle to share in our love of solids.

Be sure to head over TODAY to A Quarter Inch from the Edge to join the linkup and put in your bundle. You can use a photograph for inspiration and pull from your stash. You can use another fabric and pull out solids to match them, as I've done here:
I used Rashida Coleman-Hale's Washi print and paired it with (left to right): Kona Turquoise, Kona Bright Pink, Kona Mango and Kona Daffodil.

Here I used this gorgeous Cotton+Steel print, Persistance Prevails by Sarah Watts from her August collection, to pull the following solids from left to right: Kona Glacier, Kona Seafoam, Kona Coral, Kona Sunflower and Kona Nautical.

Or you can use Play Crafts' Palette Builder and make lovely little images like this:

Though to warn you, that software is very addictive.

Make sure you enter by next Thursday so you can be eligible for a prize from either Jenn or from me. 

Show us your Kona love on this cold, snowy Valentine's Day. (We are expecting a low of -24 degrees Celsius here today where I live in Ontario, and near Halifax, Nova Scotia where Jenn lives they are expecting a low of -12 degrees Celsius. Brrrrrr.) Head on over to A Quarter Inch from the Edge and post your bundle!



  1. Fantastic fabric combos Lynn - I especially love the first one! And this is the first time I've ever looked at a penguin and thought "Color Palette!" LOL

  2. We have two in common: Bright Pink and Papaya. This was fun. Thanks to you and Jenn for coming up with the idea.

  3. That Washi fabric is wicked good! When are you going to move closer so I can raid your stash? :) And shocker of all shockers, I have more than a couple of the Konas you featured in my stash - Coral, Sunflower, Nautical, Turquoise, Mango, & Daffodil!

  4. Thanks for the software tip. I tried it out and what fun!

  5. Love that pull for Persistance Prevails, Lynn. I often seem to be using that same method to make a quilt. Find the backing, then choose the fabrics for the front to match. It's fun to make a quilt backwards! Hope you had a wonderful (and warm inside) Valentine's Day!

  6. I DO love Kona and I agree with Lara, that first one is awesome!!

  7. Really cool!!! Thanks for the giveaway. It is -12 in Northwest PA!!

  8. HI, YES I love Kona !
    Love these>especially the first one!
    Thanks for sharing!
