Friday 29 May 2015

Chemotion: A Finished Quilt

A co-worker friend of mine welcomed his baby son to the world in mid-March. This is his second child and he is a wonderful man and dear friend so obviously I needed to make him a baby quilt. But what to use as inspiration? Though currently in a role outside of the classroom (much like me), he is at heart a Science teacher. I knew just the bundle to use, one I've hoarded for a couple of years after I snagged it from Fabricworm. A Science-themed baby quilt!

I used the same Quilty pattern I used for Hoot and Rocky Field because though I don't really like to repeat patterns too often, this one is just the perfect size and look for a baby quilt that needs to be somewhat quick.

I quilted this one using straight lines with my walking foot and I quilted it a bit more densely than the others I have made. I really love the end result and I hope my friend does too!

Here is Chemotion (Chemistry and Motion!):

I can't decide if I like the test tubes and beaker fabric more or the grid paper with all the calculations and pictures of microscopes.

The back is mostly a Riley Blake fabric from their Space Age line.

Nothing seemed quite right for the binding so I went with a scrappy binding made from leftovers from the quilt and I love it.

All ready to deliver to the dad!
Even though the quilt is late, I know he will appreciate it. I think the colours are super fun and the fabric is just right for this geeky Science dad. I hope their son enjoys lots of tummy time on it!

Linked up with Finish It Up Friday with Crazy Mom Quilts!


  1. It's so bright and cheery. It's a great pattern, so keep using it.

  2. Look great. The use of the science-y fabrics is bang on for this one. And a scrappu binding is so very often the answer! Anja was very happy to receive her copy of this pattern at bee last night! :)

    Tummy time... hee hee hee. Round here, I call that spit-up time!

  3. This pattern is awesome.. I appreciate your post.
    click here:
