Sunday 1 January 2017

Goals for 2017

Looking back at my goals for 2016, I finished EVERY goal but Aviatrix Medallion. So guess what #1 on the list of goals for 2017 is? 

1. Aviatrix Medallion
This is the year. My skills have significantly improved and I want to get it done. It is my longest WIP now, and I want to be able to enjoy the magnificence.

2. Orange and Turquoise quilt.
 I put it away because it did not speak to me. It still doesn't. But I want it done. I need a low volume backing with a touch of orange or teal or turquoise so I can finish it up and ship it out.

3. Thank You Brenda Teacher quilt
Deadline: June. As always, I will make my daughter's teacher a gift. I'm not sure if I will be able to keep this up once the little one is in school too! I'm thinking of using the Diamond Tread pattern by Freshly Pieced.

4. Snail Along on Instagram.
The @gnomeangel is doing a sew along using the Snail pattern from Pen and Paper patterns. My friend C is going to join the challenge as well. All my snails will be made using Lizzy House fabric and all hers will be made using Tula Pink fabric. I'm PUMPED.

5. Ochre Quilt
There is a bundle of fabric that I set aside as needing to be made for my close friend of 20+ years and this year I want to get it done for her.

6. Improv Christmas Trees using Violet Craft. Have you seen the improv trees floating around on Instagram? I'm in love. I'll need to cut into my Christmas fabric for those for sure.
This is a pattern by Diary of a Quilter.
7. Pineapples for my Mother in Law. 
My in laws are buying/building a brand new house this year and I told my MIL I would make her a new quilt. My MIL is very calm and rarely excitable (outwardly) and so she agreed that would be lovely and that she would think about colours later. Then I saw the Pineapple Farm pattern by Elizabeth Hartman and knew it would appeal to her. I texted her a picture and she responded "YES YES YES." That may be the most excited text I have ever received from her! So that is definitely on the list this year!

8. Improv Scrap Rainbow Big Blocks
This is something I bought a big ruler for and really want to try to use some of my favourite small bits from my scrap bins this year. This could be fun.

9. Gamer Quilt for my Husband
Even though he's always hot and doesn't use quilts. He likes to moan about me never having made him one. He picked the pattern and I picked the fabric I just need to make it!

As always there will be quilts that come up and get added to my list- babies that are expected or people who deserve something special. Those nine seem totally doable and I am excited already at the prospect of getting to them. My first finish in 2017 will most likely be my text and solid 9-patch quilt, Chatter, which is almost a finished quilt top. Look for that in early January!

Which of the quilts on my list do you most look forward to seeing?

(Of interest to me only: this is my 400th post!)


  1. I enjoy all your quilts so can't pick a single one. For your MIL - I think pineapples are a symbol of welcome - nice for a new home. And 400 posts - that's amazing. Congratulations and happy sewing!

  2. These are great goals for 2017. Good luck!
