Monday 1 January 2018

Quilty Goals for 2018

For my 2017 goals I vowed the following:
1. Finish my Aviatrix Medallion (I finished the quilt top but have not basted or quilted it).
2. Make an orange and turquoise quilt (Accomplished! Made and gifted!)
3. Make a quilt for my daughter's teacher (Accomplished! Another one will need to be made for her Grade 4 teacher this year).
4. Snail Along. (Accomplished! Finished, bound, being used!)

5. Ochre quilt for a friend (Not even touched. It remains a pretty stack on my shelf).
6. Improv Christmas Tree Quilt (Almost finished...just need to hand sew the binding!)
7. Pineapple Farm for my MIL (Nope. But I have to have it finished before she returns from Florida in April because I promised her I would).
8. Improv Scrap Rainbow Quilt (The top is finished and it is basted- with pins!- but I need to get it quilted).
9. Gamer Quilt for Hubby (I cut the letters but I haven't gotten any further than that).

Not too bad in terms of accomplishing the list, but obviously I fall off the wagon and do other things instead of the things I said I wanted to finish.

So, let 2018 be a year of finishes! The goal is to have NO WIPs by the end of 2018!

That means I will need to finish the following (all WIPs):
1. Turquoise and yellow quilt for my cousin's new baby that I made but have been avoiding basting.
2. Teal and grey baby quilt for a friend.

3. Finish binding my Christmas Improv Quilt.

4. Quilt the Rainbow picnic quilt.

5. Quilt my Aviatrix Medallion.
6. Finish a Knuffle Bunny quilt I have waiting.
7. Pineapple Farm Quilt (for April).
8. Gamer Quilt (for hubby...maybe March for his birthday?)
9. Finish the QB travelling quilt that I have been doing with friends...assuming C gets out of thumb jail after some minor surgery on her hand in the new year.

So, nine WIPs all in some stage of completion. I am shocked to reflect on having 9 WIPS as a couple of years ago it would be shocking for me to have even one WIP!

Plus add that I will need a teacher thank you quilt for June. It involves, at least to some degree, some bright pink Hello Kitty fabric. That should be interesting!


  1. I tried to have no WIPs at the end of 2017, but that didn't turn out so well. I'll try again for this year. I really like the teal and grey quilt.

  2. Good goals; I have some WIPs to finish up too
