Tuesday 30 October 2012

Lesson Learned and How Do You Lose a Yard of Fabric?

While working away on a baby quilt for a little boy due in February, I decided that I was wasting too much thread and should tackle some leaders/enders. I have never used them before (save a couple of attempts to see what it was all about) so this was new to me.

Here is what I decided to use:

Aren't these mini charms adorable?
I have six mini charm packs of Bonnie and Camille's Vintage Modern, a fabric line I liked when I saw online but thought it might be a little too traditional for my taste until I ordered some Vintage Modern charm packs for a quilting friend and was immediately envious.

I didn't have much of a plan- just sew these 2.5" squares together. But then it happened. I started envisioning the quilt. And I made a 6 x 6 square of squares. It looked too big. Some I made a 4 x 4 block of squares. And I LOVED it. So much so that I started working on these blocks instead of what I was supposed to be working on!

I produced these:

And I love them. And I know what I am going to do with them (though I have a bunch more blocks to make before it will become something). But, lesson learned. If I start a new project, I get distracted from what I am supposed to be working on. Is that why some quilters I know have some many UFOs?

Also, when I went to get back to work on the baby boy quilt I was making I encountered a problem. I can't find the yard of fabric I plan to use for the border. Anywhere. And my stash isn't that big, people. I have looked through boxes and on shelves and under other partial quilts and by my ironing board. I put my husband to work looking. I cleaned and tidied and searched and searched. NO FABRIC. Where is it?? 

For now I am taking this as the universe telling me to get my butt in gear binding my friend's birthday quilt (due in 3 weeks) and stop making February quilts (especially when I still have Christmas things to finish!).

Have you ever lost fabric? Or been distracted by a new project?

Lynn (aka Buttons)


  1. Yes, and OH YES. Many times. It would be easy to get distracted by those pretty squares! Hope the missing fabric turns up.

  2. I adore that fabric range. One of my favs this year. I bought about 4 m of the red with white dots! I don't know why but I just thought it was such a classic colour & dot! Love this one with your squares. Looking forward to seeing the finish - after Christmas, after everything else is done of course!

  3. Only all the time or every other day. :0) Hope the fabric turns up soon!

  4. I have about 20 large bins of fabric...so I lose it all the time. :) Your blocks are so pretty!
