Friday 3 May 2013

A Little Something Extra

While working away on a baby quilt using a plus pattern (taken from Jeni from In Color Order) I found I had some leftover squares. I decided to take them and do a simple patchwork to add to some white wash cloths so that this baby can have coordinating quilt and cloths! I purchased a stack of simple white wash cloths from Target (now in Canada!) to use. I cut off the binding, sewed them with the patchwork right-side-down and then turned them right side out. Then I did a finishing stitch all the way around the outside of the cloth.

Here are the three cloths together:

My favourite one is the blue and orange. The fish are perfect for a wash cloth!

And here they are neatly stacked. I have since tied them up with a pretty white ribbon. Now I need to finish the actual quilt.
I hope to get this top finished this weekend, and maybe even a back pieced!



  1. What a great idea! I'm gonna try this next time I have some squares left over.

  2. These are a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration.
