Thursday 7 February 2013

Binding Quandary

Foxy Blocks is all but done, an HST QAL quilt that will be given to my daughter. She already loves it, and though it still needs binding she has already used it to make a fort in our living room. I would say that is a success.

I used variegated purple thread throughout the quilt. On the main body of the quilt it looks okay, but not great. But I LOVE how it looks on the border. I did a FMQ wave all the way around and it looks so awesome with the fading colours. I don't think this photo does justice to the movement that you see with it in person.

Now I have the quandary of what to bind it with. I pulled out two solid oranges- Kona School Bus and Kona Kumquat, a fat quarter of Lizzy House orange jewels and a fat quarter of some purple and white fabric that I can't recall right now. Both solid oranges are not quite right, but I'm not ordering new fabric just for the binding. The orange jewels would be perfect but I don't think a fat quarter will be enough. Do I do a scrappy binding? Or maybe one of the oranges (I'm leaning School Bus) and the orange jewels together to make the binding? I want contrast with the Kona Eggplant border, but it also has to go with the pinks and purple on the reverse. What a dilemma! 

I'm going to sleep on it. Maybe I will have a brainwave in my sleep!

Lynn (aka Buttons)


  1. You can't go wrong with scrappy. If you used all the orange colors that you have there it will look great. I haven't seen the backing but feel that if you match it to the front and it's something that you like, no problems. Binding doesn't have to match the backing unless it's a reversable quilt -- in my opinion. Good luck.

  2. Totally agree with Katie up there. Make a scrappy all oranges border. I think it will look great.
