Monday 18 February 2013

Foxy Blocks: A Finished Quilt (HST QAL)

I am finally finished Foxy Blocks, the quilt made from the blocks I did for the HST QAL with Jeni Baker over at In Color Order.

This quilt has some favourite fabric in it- Outfoxed by Lizzy House. The purple and orange colour scheme has my little person delighted. The quilt will be hers. Even before this quilt was bound it already was used for a fort, cuddling and lots of kitty naps (so it already has lots of cat fur on it). This is the kind of quilt that I see being well loved and not too "precious." She has a hand quilted (and hand pieced!) quilt from my friend's mother that will remain carefully loved. This quilt is for rough love like picnics in the backyard and living room forts with Daddy.

The Kona School Bus binding sure is bright, and I'm not sure it really goes with the bold pink Kona colour on the back (I'll have to check exactly what it is again), but I think it looks great from the front!

Here is Foxy Blocks:

I hope she gets lots of love out of this quilt!

Lynn (aka Buttons)