Sunday 7 July 2013

More Sugar

I have been working away on my Sugar Block Club blocks, hoping to get caught up with all but the paper piecing. 

I got to work on another block by choosing and then cutting into these fabrics (note that the majority of the fabrics I'm using come from a Blogger Bundle from Pink Castle Fabrics by Red Pepper Quilts).
The orange dot fabric looks more red in these photos, but it is actually a lovely, deep orange.

Making these little blocks was actually very satisfying.
In between cutting and piecing, I went from liking the newsprint fabric for the middle to the text fabric that I used in my May block for the middle. The scale seemed to work better and I'm happy I switched it.
This is the finished block. Love it! I do need to make sure I use less orange in my next block, though.
And here are all the finished blocks together. I will be redoing the paper-pieced block (top left) but I'm not planning on doing those any time soon.
I am slightly worried about the cohesiveness of the blocks once they are all put together but for  now I am just trying to enjoy the process (and trying not to curse Allison of Stitchery Ditchery Dock too much for her tiny cuts and intricate piecing).


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