Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Step One: Admitting You Have a Problem

I have a problem. I am addicted to fabric. And I can't. Stop. Buying. It. 

Earlier in the year I went on a fast...no fabric buying for a month. I have decided that I MUST go on another fast. I am going to say for the rest of the summer (first day back to school being the first day of fall in my mind). 

Here is a delicious package that arrived from Hawthorne Threads:
Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar, various colours of Squared Elements, Sweet Holiday Tweets and some Backyard Baby
I snapped up the Backyard Baby when I saw they had some because I LOVED it when it was out but didn't buy any and then regretted it. I also love the Squared Elements (Art Gallery) as a modern stash builder (so many uses! I'm thinking binding first!). The other two were just because I wanted them.

Thing is I have a package also pending from Pink Castle Fabrics, Fabricworm and Fat Quarter Shop. And I just went on a shop hop and bought 10 more fat quarters just because. I NEED TO STOP.

So. Today is the first day of my fast. I hope I make it. Wish me luck!



  1. I periodically fabric fast too -- I broke my fast in a big way recently, though! Back to it, though... Sigh. (There's just so many great fabrics out there! I hate missing them, but I have to keep reminding myself that other great stuff will be out later on too, and just missing THIS thing isn't going to be the end of the world.)

  2. Having shopped with you, I can see where you're coming from. I think you should post pictures of your stash. Good luck!
