Sunday 5 August 2012

HST QAL: January Block

Jeni of In Color Order is doing a half-square triangle quilt-along that I just discovered this week. This will be my first ever quilt-along and I am excited to give it a try.

I decided to use my stash of fat quarters from the Outfoxed fabric line. I also opted to go with the alternative method of making HSTs because they are just so much faster. I know that there are issues with working with the biased edges with this technique, but I am not exactly a perfectionist and find that since I don't prewash cotton fabric for quilting (I always do for flannelette baby blankets) they stay pretty stiff and well behaved. We'll see if I'm still singing that tune after this QAL.

Here are my squares prepped for sewing around all four edges:

Carefully cutting through the corners to create the HSTs
All sliced and ready to go
After being (carefully) pressed
This method of HSTs (and, I'm pretty sure, with all methods of HSTs) there are little tabs that come from pressing the seam in one direction. The QAL directs you to trim the squares to 3.5", which I dutifully did.
But above is what happens when you aren't paying enough attention. The square on the right is perfect. The square on the left? I trimmed it twice without turning it first, and cut off too much of the white and not enough of the raspberry. Oh poop. Had to whip up another HST to correct my mistake. I will pay closer attention next time!
Trimmed and ready to go!
I then laid out the squares as per Jeni's directions and sewed them carefully together, being sure to pin the rows directly at the seams to ensure best fit. Here is where I was reminded what a novice I truly am: my seams never perfectly line up. I was really carefully with all of my cutting, sewing and trimming and yet the points do not match perfectly. I know I need to double check my 1/4" seam guide to ensure it is accurate, but then shouldn't they all be off by the same amount? I'm hoping that by doing all these HSTs for the QAL my skills with also improve. By December hopefully my piecing is more accurate!

The finished product is pretty adorable, if I do say so myself. And I'm glad, since peeking at February shows me a block I'm not exactly in love with. 

I enjoyed the process of making this, learned some things and want to dive into the next one. I say that is a success! I think I'll turn the finished product into a quilt for my little person. She'll love it!

Lynn (aka Buttons)

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